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Herbicides are a great way to protect your plantings from damage. Sure-Fire Crop Oil Plus is a premium, concentrated oil spray that will make your food plots last longer when used in combination with Slay or Arrest. Slay is a spray application herbicide that must be mixed with a surfactant or additive oil like crop oil and it is safe for use on clover and alfalfa fields. Arrest Max is a herbicide spray that can be used on any Whitetail Institute perennial and a surfactant or oil additive like crop oil adds effectiveness for food plots to last longer.

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Whitetail Institute Impact Soil Amendment
Price: $167.28
Sale Price: $142.08
Out of stock - Contact for availability
Whitetail Institute Slay Herbicide (Broadleaf)
Price: $134.95
Sale Price: $128.52
Whitetail Institute Sure Fire Crop Oil Plus
Price: $23.88
Sale Price: $22.74